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About DANA

The Delaware Association of Nurse Anesthetists (DANA) was formed March 12th, 1953 and is a member organization of the national American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology (AANA). Our membership is comprised of nurse anesthetists who work in hospitals, surgery centers and office-based practices throughout Delaware and the surrounding area. 

The DANA strives to assure the highest standard of anesthesia care for our patients while promoting the professional well-being and interests of its members.

Our association's strategic goals are as follows:

  1. Serve as an anesthesia resource for patient safety and clinical excellence.
  2. Maintain a dynamic state association through financial stewardship and succession planning
  3. Prioritize advocacy efforts
  4. Enhance public awareness to nurse anesthesia
  5. Engage our members

We are advocates, working together to bring about legislative change and maintaining vigilance regarding legislative issues that affect the conduct of anesthesia care in Delaware. 

  Click here for more information on advocacy

We are professionals, working to continually update and enhance our skills while advancing the art and science of nurse anesthesia through the continuing education of our CRNAs. 


We need your help!  DANA would like to invite you to join in our efforts. If you’re interested in becoming part of an organization that can really make a difference here in Delaware, then please contact us today! 

  Contact Us

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